Officer Onboarding Curriculum

100: Intro to the LMS

101: Introduction to Correctional Heath Care

102: The Health Care-Custody Partnership

103: Fit for Confinement and ADLs

104: MARs and Medication Pass

105: Drug Diversion and Inventory Counts

106: Provide Quality Care

107: Completing an Officer Communication Form

108: A C.O.’s Guide to Detox in Jail

109: Responding to Delirium

110: Responding to a Man Down

111: Screening for Suicide (ASQ)

112: John’s Journey: A T.E.A.M.S. Approach

113: Responding to an In-Progress Hanging

114: Officer Wellness 101

115: Bloodborne Pathogens

116: PREA

117: Pregnancy Care in Jail

Additional Officer Training Courses

BE FAST: Spotting a Stroke
Don't Accept a Bad Medical Order
Don't Miss "Sick"
Grab and Jab: EpiPens
Human Trafficking Detection
Hunger Strike
Medical Implications of Restraint
Officer Communication: Conflict Resolution
Officer Communication: Telephone Talk
Pregnancy Care in Jail - Postpartum 
Pregnancy Care in Jail - Restraints and Invasive Searches
Professional Boundaries: Manipulation
Professional Boundaries: Misconduct
Responding to a Man Down - Diabetic Crisis
Responding to a Man Down - Seizures
Responding to a Man Down - Suicide
Special Populations: Detainees with Disabilities
Special Populations: Geriatric Detainees
Understanding MAT for JAs
Within Reach: Suicide Prevention Behind Bars

Learners may receive continuous education credits for professional development.

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