In an effort to provide you the most up-to-date industry training and information, we are following a developing request from narcotic investigators in North-Central Minnesota.

There have been a rising number of drug overdoses in the last few weeks in various Minnesota counties. In fact, just yesterday there was a massive seizure of 2,300 fentanyl pills in Waite Park, MN.

Here’s what you need to know:

Stock multiple doses of naloxone (Narcan) in your facility

If you don’t already stock this potentially life-saving medication in your jail – we urge you to make a plan to do so. We recommend keeping up to 10 or more doses on hand. Recent headlines have indicated that in some cases – especially with weather challenges, multiple doses of the drug may be needed to keep someone (or multiple people) conscious long enough for an ambulance to arrive. Even minor exposure can be life-threatening, so stock multiple doses of naloxone (Narcan) in your facility.

Give naloxone (Narcan) at the first sign or suspicion of overdose – do NOT wait for unconsciousness

If a person experiences a change in alertness that could be an overdose – give naloxone (Narcan)! If a person is found unresponsive, assume overdose. If you find someone unconscious or unresponsive, you may only have moments to take action and save their life. Call 9-1-1 and give naloxone (Narcan) FIRST. If they are down for a reason other than overdose, the drug should not create any negative side effects. Remember, even contact with a small amount of fentanyl can be life-threatening, so give naloxone (Narcan) at the first sign or suspicion of overdose – do NOT wait for unconsciousness.

Report any information about the overdose surge to authorities

The jail can be an ideal place to pick up tips or information about community crime. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for information from current detained individuals as well as those who are being booked into your jail about potential substance use and abuse in your community. With the current surge across Minnesota, please contact the Paul Bunyan Drug Task Force at 218-333-8130 or any other investigating agencies you’re aware of.

Now is the time to link arms and do what we can to support this investigation and save lives. Report any information about the overdose surge to authorities.

  1. Narcotics Investigators Seeking Info on Overdose Surge in North Central MN Jan (2023)_Narcotics Investigators Seeking Info on Overdose Surge in North Central MN (lptv.org)

  2. 2,300 fentanyl pills seized during Waite Park drug bust Jan (2023) 2,300 fentanyl pills seized during Waite Park drug bust - CBS Minnesota (cbsnews.com)

For more information contact training@sparktraining.us.

All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only. The information presented should be treated as guidelines, not rules. The information presented is not intended to establish a standard of medical care and is not a substitute for common sense. The information presented is not legal advice, is not to be acted on as such, may not be current, and is subject to change without notice. Each situation should be addressed on a case-by-case basis. WHEN IN DOUBT, SEND THEM OUT. ®


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