Watch What You See

Timothy fought the arresting officer as he was brought into the jail for booking. I hate the system and want to expose the pukes that work in it, he thought.

Tim wore smart glasses into the jail with a plan to livestream on his social media account. He tried to provoke the officers, but they remained calm while he continued to struggle against them.

“I’m gonna get them to react,” Tim said to the man next to him in the holding cell. “They’re gonna mess up here in just a minute or two.” Soon an officer asked Tim to remove his glasses. “But I need them to see!” Tim yelled.

“We just need to check them for safety,” the officer explained. Tim slowly removed the glasses. He realized his plan was falling apart. “Hmm,” he heard the officer say. “These are equipped with wi-fi and don’t seem to be a prescription at all.”

Inspect detainee eyewear and turn off mobile devices

The focus in booking should be on what the person needs to function in the jail environment. Carefully examine items that will stay with the detainee. There may be embedded technology in items such as eyewear, hearing aids, or other assistive devices. If you are uncertain if the item is medically necessary, call the jail practitioner.

Smart glasses may continue streaming until a connected device is turned off. Be sure to turn off phones or smart watches to stop the streaming process. Be sure to take time to inspect detainee eyewear and turn off mobile devices.

Post pictures of smart eyewear so it is easy to recognize

Displaying pictures of smart eyewear can help identify signs of enhanced capability.

  •  Most eyewear with embedded technology have obvious enlarged areas. Some styles are more discreet.

  • Tiny lenses for built-in cameras can be easy to overlook.

An internet search for “smart glasses” will provide numerous examples. Find a common area to post pictures of smart eyewear so it is easy to recognize.

Hollow places may not be empty

A drug smuggling scheme that involved putting contraband into eyeglass frames was busted in early 2022. Read more about it by clicking here.

Careful examination of assistive devices will help reduce the chance of contraband getting into your jail. An eyeglass toolset may be helpful to check inside the frames.

You may choose to deny any outside eyewear be allowed into the jail. If so, you may need to provide readers as appropriate or offer them through the commissary. Keep in mind, when examining eyeglasses, hollow places may not be empty.

Outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics—what you need to know. (2022). APIC.

For more information on screening eyewear for livestreaming and contraband, contact

All materials have been prepared for general information purposes only. The information presented should be treated as guidelines, not rules. The information presented is not intended to establish a standard of medical care and is not a substitute for common sense. The information presented is not legal advice, is not to be acted on as such, may not be current, and is subject to change without notice. Each situation should be addressed on a case-by-case basis. WHEN IN DOUBT, SEND THEM OUT. ®




Planning for the Next Superbug